

What is self-medication? theory, types, effects, and prevention

What is self-medication theory, types, effects, and prevention
What is self-medication theory, types, effects, and prevention



Each of us sometimes suffers from an illness, every disease needs to be treated timely, But sometimes the cure becomes even more dangerous.

It happens when we become doctors, Which can make the disease more dangerous and deadly.

When we have an illness or a problem to get rid of this disease, they start using everything from home remedies to antibiotics.


They also seek advice from friends, relatives, and medical store workers and begin to act on their advice.

But the most important thing is not to go to the doctor. This practice of self-medication is harmful, Which can not only increase the disease. But also cause more pain and complex problems in the body.

Doing one's own thing is a good and useful habit, but doing one's treatment can be tantamount to complicating the disease and inviting one's death.

Self-Medication Spread

Self-medication is spreading rapidly among the people, and it is a common form of self-care behavior in the developed and developing countries of the world.

The World Health Organization, which monitors healthcare practices, also promotes the use of self-medication for effective and immediate relief of symptoms without medical advice.

Which are limited to rural and remote areas, where there is a shortage of health-related staff and inaccessibility,

However, in countries where there is no shortage of doctors and paramedical staff, people prefer to seek treatment on their own instead of going to the doctor when they are ill, which is an inappropriate attitude.

Types of Self-Medication

Here are some of the most popular and famous types of medicines.

Self-Medication with Antibiotics and Painkillers
Self-Medication with Antibiotics and Painkillers

Self-Medication with Antibiotics and Painkillers

Most people consider headaches, colds, flu, and sore throats to be minor illnesses and treat them themselves.

Without knowing it, this self-medication can lead to many problems for us later on.

Internal and external physical pain is also not taken seriously, and medications and creams are started without a doctor's prescription. But this risk is only assessed when the disease has intensified.

We have no shortage of free consultants. Mention your problem to anyone. You will also find some tips, drug names, or free advice on antibiotics and painkillers.

Misuse of antibiotics and painkillers can cause serious harm to humans. For this, it is necessary to use these medicines as directed by the doctor.

Self-Medication with Food
Self-Medication with Food

Self-Medication with Food

If you prefer to eat when you are angry and stressed, Then you are using food as medicine.

" Emotional food" is used as a way to suppress or calm the negative emotions that arise within us. This process is also called "binning" or "eating comfortably"

A recent study has shown that emotional food can temporarily control stress and depression in people. But remember, this method is by no means a cure for the disease, as it can cause other health problems.

In addition, this process can lead to weight gain, which can be extremely dangerous to health.

Self-Medication with Alcohol

Self-Medication with Alcohol

Self-Medication with Alcohol

Alcohol use can temporarily relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety in most people. His intoxication can make a person extremely passionate and powerful for some time,

It makes the person realize that after drinking this alcohol, all his problems have been solved anxiety and frustration have been eliminated.

But, it is only a matter of some time after the end of the intoxication effects, His frustration and all the worries start to reappear

This can make him regularly addicted to alcohol, which is a new Trouble for this person. Getting rid of alcohol can be a daunting task and restoring life without drugs can be a daunting task.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a type of psychiatric disorder that occurs spontaneously or the patient has been experiencing it for a long time.

It could be related to the experience of a traumatic event or seeing another person suffer from it.

Some of these events are related to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis.

While some incidents are linked to serious nationwide accidents, such as terrorist acts, hijacking, curfews, wars, political/religious battles, etc

While some cases are personal, the patient may have been the victim himself or may have seen other people suffer.

Including rape of women or children or receiving serious consequences or death threats from a dangerous group, sexual assault, road accident, plane crash, or serious injury

remember! Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is also a condition of the disease, In which the patient uses alcohol as a medicine to forget these events and accidents or to reduce its effects.

Reasons for Self-Medication

Recent research suggests that the most common cause of self-medication is a non-serious response to the disease.

In addition, easy access to the pharmacy store, and the process of storing essential medicines at home highlight this method,

Some people have difficulty accessing health insurance and have difficulty accessing it.

Nowadays, access to the Internet for the general public is making it easier for people to use and obtain their medicines and drugs.

Effect of Self-Medication

The use of self-medication is not a safe practice in any way, particularly irresponsible drug use can lead to increased potential risks, The effects of which can last long in our body.

These are just a few of the factors that are usually the cause of the negative effects of the drug itself.

  • Not to take medical advice or delay taking
  • Use the drug even in case of unusual and severe adverse reactions
  • Using dangerous drugs as medicine without a doctor's prescription
  • Incorrect or excessive use of medicines contrary to doctor's instructions
  • Using a diet that is not recommended by a doctor or which is forbidden in your diet
  • The wrong choice of therapy in the breakdown or severe pain of a bone

Dangers of Self-Medication

Self-medication for treatment is becoming a dangerous fantasy. This article provides a detailed overview,

Hospitals are always full of patients whose livers, kidneys, lungs, and other organs have been severely affected by unauthorized medicines.

Insomnia is becoming more common in people, both men, and women, largely due to self-medication.

Many depressed people become accustomed to taking sedatives on their own without a doctor's advice.

Because depression patients can't sleep without these sedatives, this drug becomes a kind of addiction for them.

Similarly, using many creams and lotions for facial beauty without any doctor's prescription falls under the category of self-medication.

Remember! Home remedies for acne and over-the-counter medications can also cause skin diseases.

Therefore, self-medication without a doctor's prescription can be dangerous at some point.

Wisdom requires that all of these medications be used as directed by a doctor.

It also includes allopathic, homeopathic, and home remedies, which can be used as self-medication.