

Signs and problems of puberty for girls, what mothers and daughters should do at this stage.

Signs and problems of puberty for girls, what mothers and daughters should do at this stage.
Signs and problems of puberty for girls, what mothers and daughters should do at this stage.

Definition of Puberty 

The subject of this article is specifically related to the sexual health of girls who are entering the first stage of puberty.

Women whose daughters have reached this stage of puberty must read this article.

Symptoms of Puberty in Young girls?

Puberty is a stage where many symptoms can appear in young girls before their onset.

The sign of puberty is usually divided into three types, which appear in girls.

Stages of Puberty

The process of puberty is usually divided into 03 stages. This stage may be different from the order described in many girls.

In the first stage, the bulge of their breasts becomes noticeable, which usually starts from the age of 9 years.

While in some girls, it may start too late, and over time the size of the breasts may begin to increase.

In the second stage, hair begins to grow around the reproductive organs.

Menstruation begins in the third and final stage.

All of these stages are usually completed between the ages of 9 to 16, 

These changes in the girl's body begin to occur in reverse sequence.

While some girls may differ from this sequence, which does not cause any problems 

Problems in Adolescence and its Prevention

During all these stages the mother or any other woman. Who is the guardian of these girls, or the young girls who have gone through these stages?

Such as older sisters, cousins, ​​and neighbors living in the neighborhood who are confidential, and girls can share all their problems with them without hesitation,

It is their responsibility to make these girls aware of changes in the reproductive system, discomfort, and problems to come, and urge them to report any problems or inconveniences to us immediately, instead of panicking and crying.

If hair is starting to grow on the reproductive organs, it is important to remove the hair in time, so they should be given proper information about their hygiene.

The Period of Onset of Menstruation

During puberty, girls start menstruating normally between the ages of 10 to 16. 

In 90% of children, normal menstruation starts from the age of 10 years.

If a girl starts menstruating before the age of 10, it is called premature puberty, and if a girl does not start menstruating even after the age of 16, then it is called delayed puberty.

If your child is experiencing either of these conditions, the doctor must be contacted, So that any kind of problem can be diagnosed in time and its treatment can be ensured

The Duration of Normal Menstruation

Normal menstruation in a healthy child can occur continuously or intermittently for 07 days and usually recur after 28 days.

If the interval between menstruation is less than 21 days or more than 35 days, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

Problems in the Early Stages of Menstruation

If your child is changing two or more pads a day or is experiencing more blood clotting, be sure to consult a doctor.

Some girls feel weird in the early stages of menstruation, and they start changing pads too much.

If your daughters are also suffering from this problem, Then you should check the used pads yourself and only then consult a doctor.

After examining the cause, the doctor will recommend a blood test and ultrasound to better diagnose the disease.

The Relationship Between Menstruation and Hormones

During menstruation, a girl's body begins to undergo many changes, the most important of which is the thyroid hormone.

Excess or deficiency of this hormone can cause many problems. 

If a baby is bleeding heavily during menstruation, one of the reasons may be a possible Thai Ride disorder.

This is because more or less bleeding during menstruation is due to the ineffective function of the thyroid gland.

This requires immediate consultation with a doctor and the use of medication on his advice,

Because only a doctor can diagnose the root causes of menstrual problems

Your Role in the Puberty Phase of the Child

Children need a leader from their parents at the beginning of puberty and covenant.

Parents as well as elders, and teachers should explain this to them in a very loving and polite manner.

That these changes in puberty are natural and normal, it happens to every girl, as they grow older.

It is very useful for girls to be aware of this if they do not, So the girls will get information about these issues from around them, which is not only wrong but can also be misleading.

The teachers and the administration of the school should make the girls of this age especially believe that these are the common changes of puberty that every girl has to go through.

Puberty, a girl's life change

Puberty in girls is a stage of her life. Where a girl suddenly turns into a young woman.

This stage is natural for every girl, so it is very important for every girl to know and get information about it before the onset of puberty, Because the unknown changes in his body can upset him.

Apparently, she will see a lot of changes, and his childhood will be taken away from him,

But she will feel different and more beautiful than before.

A change of mindset will enable her to think more abstractly, and she will be able to express her personality more clearly to others.

She will be able to think and explain better than before.

Signs and problems of puberty for girls, what mothers and daughters should do at this stage.

Answers to some important questions that are commonly asked.

Question 1: 

At what age does puberty begin in girls?

The onset of puberty in girls is usually 8 to 13 years, while in boys it is between 9 and 15 years. 

Question 2: 

What hormones are active in girls during puberty, and what is their role in puberty?

The most important is the thyroid hormone too much, or too little of this hormone can cause many problems.

If a baby is bleeding more or less during menstruation, one of the reasons may be a possible thyroid disorder.

The second hormone, called estrogen, stimulates the ovaries.

Together, these two hormones enable a girl's body to start menstruating and become pregnant after puberty.

Question 03: 

Why do girls get body odor after puberty?

After puberty, girls' hormones change significantly, and those glands become active, Which increases the production of excess sweat.

This excess sweat is excreted from every part of the body and especially from the lower arm and waist.

This sweat breeds bacteria that grow on the skin, and their job is to create body odor.

Due to this the body of girls after puberty stinks.

Question 04: 

Why do girls grow extra hair after puberty, and when should it be removed?

After puberty, hair begins to grow on the body of girls under the arms and the navel (on and around the genitals).

These hairs make these girls believe that their journey from childhood to adolescence has started healthily.

These hairs look light and thin at first, but as the girl gets older, her hair grows longer, thicker, heavier, curly, and darker. 


Question 5: 

How long should girls remove excess body hair?

After puberty, girls grow extra hair on the body, usually under the arms and under the navel (on and around the genitals).

When these hairs have reached 2 cm, Must be removed hair, and if for some reason the hair could not be removed in time, the hair should not be left for more than 40 days.

Question 6: 

Do girls stop growing taller after puberty?

The growth of height in girls is faster than in boys, and with the onset of puberty comes a rapid increase in its rate.

From age of 8, breast buds begin to form in girls, beginning about 6 to 8 months before menstruation.

Once a girl starts menstruating, her growth slows down, and then by the age of 21, the height can only increase by one to two inches.

Question 7: 

If both breasts are not the same size, will it be considered a disease?


In girls, at the onset of puberty, sometimes one breast grows faster than the other, but this is by no means a disease because, by the end of breast augmentation, both breasts are almost equal.

Question 8: 

How is it possible for a girl to have a baby after puberty?

Every adult female has two ovaries in her body, each containing thousands of eggs.

During menstruation, one or more eggs are released from each ovary and travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus, also called the uterus.

Each woman has two fallopian tubes, which connect the two ovaries to the uterus.

Before the egg leaves the ovary, the hormones mentioned above stimulate the uterus to produce its inner layer with extra blood and tissue.

If the egg reaches the uterus easily and is fertilized by the male sperm cell, it can attach itself to this layer and become a baby.

Excess blood and tissue protect the baby as it develops so that the baby can complete its desired period in the womb.

Question 9: 

Why do adult girls menstruate?

According to the above procedure, if the girl is not married, or her eggs have not been fertilized by male sperm, or if the fertilized egg has not been laid in the lining, So the uterus does not need extra blood and tissues, so blood and eggs are expelled from the body through the vagina.

About blood is known as the girl's period. A period usually lasts 02 to 07 days. About 02 weeks after the last day of bleeding, a new egg is released, and this process is repeated continuously.

Question 10: 

What changes occur in the external body of girls after puberty?

After puberty, there are significant changes in the external body of girls, the most common of which is weight gain.

Their bodies are usually curved, and their fingers are long and beautiful.

Their hips become wider than before, and the development of the breasts becomes noticeable, which usually begins with a slight swelling under the nipples.

The sound has already changed and become hoarse.

If you still have any questions or issues, you can ask in the comments section.


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All information is provided on a case-by-case basis.  This content, including advice, provides general information only.

It is by no means a substitute for a competent medical opinion.  Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.

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Written by Razi Ahmed 

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